I'm kind of obsessed with Jerrod Carmichael's show (and Bo Burnhams role in it) so I'm glad to see it mentioned!

For all the talk of backlash I still can't escape the fawning over TS so I find it hard to picture a world wherein her bubble pops--maybe the critic space will be less fawning in general to dance pop but I suspect the legions of stans will remain. As long as there's room for other stuff, I guess that's all one can ask for.

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Oh I do not doubt the legion. My question is whether they will remain as influential.

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Oh and please check out the Zahedi stuff I mentioned.

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Awww, I always thought the Hebrew National ad was funny.

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It was. And the level of trivialization can only shock someone like Neil Postman in the early '90s.

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this goes so hard 10/10!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks looking forward to reading your piece.

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