Excellent piece on freedom of speech being systematically curtailed in the West. Reminds me of this piece as well: https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/there-is-no-liberal-west

Love this quote:

> Our lives are dominated by what Byung-Chul Han calls “positive power,” which uses seduction as opposed to the violence and outright punishment of negative power.

Feels like a very elegant description of Liberalism's mechanisms of 'non-coervice control.'

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Love that you loved it. I'll check out that article

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OK I checked it out. Very good. I feel that the Beast's head will lower soon though.

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Good casino analogy. Every time someone tries to make the argument that social media is "not addictive like cigarettes are" I feel like they are forgetting about gambling. I have to wonder if there is some non-conscious denial going on there too.

Also thank you for using the term "legacy" media instead of "mainstream". Meta and Google are individually worth more than all the "legacy" media companies combined. In my opinion it is no longer accurate to describe the content they publish on YouTube or Facebook as "alternative" media.

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