Holy shit this was so good. Thank you Mo!

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Thank you!

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Another tour-de-force. This was great.

Two American figures who obsessed me, past and present, are mentioned here. One is Henry Miller, whom I read extensively in my late teens and twenties - I've read much of what Miller's published, including his time living at Big Sur in "Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch." You are very much correct about him - he was a mystic, increasingly devoted to Eastern religions, and someone who proved very influential in the 1960s. Miller was also a devotee to astrology, which I still, to this day, have little fondness for, but I remain an admirer enough of Miller's writings - his prose elevated English to its highest peak - that I almost cast aside my astrology skepticism. If it's good enough for Miller, good enough for me?

And the Beach Boys of course .... very much a mystical, "magical" band that, unsurprisingly, couldn't get the Beatles cred. They were seen as white bread squares even as they were *weirder* and *darker.* The Boys, of course, literally communed with Charles Manson. Mike Love was far more devoted to the Maharishi than the Beatles ever were, even going on long retreats where he'd learn how to "levitate" and once starving himself enough, on some Maharishi-inspired fast, that he had to be hospitalized. The Boys had a disastrous tour in '68 where the Maharishi would give speeches before they played a show; the audience hated it, and the band lost a lot of money.

Less weirdly, Carl Wilson was a follower of non-Christian spiritualism, and Brian and Carl often talked about their music in otherworldly terms, like they were communing with gods or spirit forces. Brian's spiritualism at times couldn't be divorced from his budding mental illness. A friend of his, David Anderle, did a portrait of him, and Brian was freaked out and believed the painting stole his soul. He was also obsessed for a time with numerology, and the painting had some number sequence he didn't like. He also infamously thought Phil Spector's "mind gangsters" were after him.

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Yes to all this. Thanks for supplementing.

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This was so good and deeply thorough! Thank you!

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Thank you!

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GREAT shit, Mo. Best yet.

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Aug 13Liked by Mo_Diggs

As probably the only guy commenting so far who actually lived through the 60’s and 70’s, I am definitely feeling a new vibe my young friends!

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What, no mention of ICP's Great Malinko? :p

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because I am a woo-woo woman of the west coast I must share: pluto has recently moved out of capricorn (money) into aquarius (technology) and will def be bringing new mass movements in art, social media, and collective beliefs. media + magic is one of my fave esoteric topics so thank you for this very thorough and well-written take!

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Glad and humbles you liked it

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