I remember thinking the sentimental moments in the Simpsons always felt weird. They seemed either forced or like they were being used ironically in a way that didn’t quite land right.

As for Seinfeld not having a message, though: what do you call “We’re living in a society!”?

Enjoy vacay

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Lol! I think that was George C in the earlier days of Seinfeld. After 1992 when the show broke out it was every Shark for themselves.


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Honestly I bet the network forced those moments

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Mo, some great insight here into you what you better believe was an important year for the planet, 1989 was the year the Berlin Wall came down peacefully and so many moments happened of a lasting significance.

Also, On a Pop Culture Front let's not forgot the importance of Tim Burton's "Batman" for here is when the Hollywood Summer Tent Pole Blockbuster became dependent on the one big opening weekend...

Looking forward to reading your take on 1991.


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