New Media: The New FM Radio of the New Generation
Not since the late 60s has a medium had counter-cultural appeal.
Huh? I mean dude, like, isn’t this….um, how do you say, an article that belongs in the NINETIES? Not really. Yes that is how far back public commercial consumption of the World Wide Web goes. But every year since 2016, there has been an increasing chasm between ancient media (or as it’s more euphemistically called, legacy media) and online media. In this wonderful audiobook called Generation Gap: Why the Baby Boomers Still Dominate American Culture Kevin Munger points out that the younger generations are not indifferent to Boomer-run dying mainstream media. They are openly hostile to it. Since 2016, Bernie Sanders supporters (like myself) as well as Trump fans were embittered at the obvious center left bias of the majority of major media outlets.
Between Dirtbag Left podcasts like Chapo Trap House and increasingly funny shitposting and general chan culture spreading throughout the web, year by year, the normie, Millenial, boomer MSM approved Internet style became cringe, cheugy, or, as older people like myself would say, out of touch. Now it's almost like there are two Internets, much like how, in the 60s, the AM and FM band represented different worlds.
In the early 60s, AM was the band that played Top 40 radio. But as more FM stations had stereo capabilities, by the late 60s, FM evolved into Album Oriented Radio (AOR) meaning more DJs played whatever they wanted (crazy music like Hendrix, even crazier comedy records like Monty Python and Firesign Theater). They spoke in their regular speaking voice without the booming Top 40 deejay voice. And, if they wanted, they could express whatever political opinion they wanted or interview whomever they wanted.
Just like many youths tuned in and dropped out to this FM valhalla, many young misfits nowadays are even indifferent to prior mainstays like Netlflix, let alone major dinosaurs like NBC and whatever horeshit is tumbling out of Hollywood's Goop-covered ass.
But like I mentioned before, there are two Internets. And, off as this may sound, even TikTok lacks a certain hipness. Sure the normies love it. All the Chads and Stacys can't get enough. So TikTok is like AM radio. Places like Discord, Substack and even *sigh* Twitter and *deep sigh* Instagram are hosting the fringier side of things. Or, for a more current analogy, TikTok is like MTV and Discord, etc. are like the indie/cassette tape/college radio culture of the 80s.
(courtesy of You Missed It)
An inspiring thing I saw today that cements this trend for me: Perfectly Imperfect linked to an NYC music newsletter called You Missed It. This newsletter introduces readers to musicians in the city that are worth a spin. Needless to say, this is the 180 degree diametrical opposite of TikTok, which algorithmically shows you what people like you like.
Now needless to say, this particular groundswell is no threat to TikTok. Not yet. When it does it will feel like, well, the NINETIES.